FROM MY VILLAGE I SEE HOW MUCH OF THE EARTH CAN BE SEEN IN THE UNIVERSE is a multidisciplinary performance that takes place between the sight of a drone and the hands of a embroiderer.
Along an artistic residence in the villages, creators live a series of experiences with the places and people inhabiting them and try with that to create an performative artistic object of sharing those same experiences.
How do we tell someone the experience of all the days we spend in a place? How do we make those events be shareable and transmissible through a performative device made up of words, voices, sounds, images, objects, gestures? How is it possible that a personal experience become a common subject to other people who weren’t there? How does the sharing of the sensitive take place?
Throughout several gatherings, we had with the people from the villages that was the experience we proposed to them. That they would tell us personal and collective memories, from the starting point of objects, images, stories, moments, letters, postcards. Hearing people sharing their stories, we always had a strong feeling of presence: whenever people told something, it was as if that act of telling placed us there, where that which was told happened. Whether we were in the village or in any other place, whether we were in 2018 or in any other year, whether today or a few years ago, the performative act of telling and sharing that which was a memory would always say: it is here and now, again.
co-criação e vídeo_ Tiago Moura
direção artística, criação e interpretação_ Ana Gil e Nuno Leão
dramaturgia e texto_ Nuno Leão
co-criação e composição sonora_ Rui Dias
produção_ Terceira Pessoa Associação
direção artística, criação e interpretação_ Ana Gil e Nuno Leão
dramaturgia e texto_ Nuno Leão
co-criação e composição sonora_ Rui Dias
produção_ Terceira Pessoa Associação