Film by Tiago Moura with Alcindo Rocha, Alice Tavares, Ana Gil, Daniel Lopes, Elisa Marçalo, Horácio Figueiredo, Isabel Carromão, J. Silva, Marco Gonçalves, Mário Costa, Óscar Silva, Paulo de Sousa, Paulo Rainha, Rui Cunha, Rute Santos, Teresa Mota, Tiago Fernandes and Vânia Carromão 
Screenplay and Voiceover: Rui Dias Monteiro
Production: Terceira Pessoa Association
Acknowledgements: Filipa Gambino, Gabriel Marmelo, João Gambino, Maria Leonardo Cabrita, Miguel Carranca, Nuno Leão, Nuno Mendoza, Luísa Luz and Ximena Raffo 
Subtitles: Murray Gordon Todd

"Which way is tomorrow?" presents itself as a plan to escape time, challenging the moral ideas we have of what is good or evil, turning viewers into hostages of themselves, in a parallel universe where the audience is pushed along a poetic, erratic and unpredictable path. This is a piece about people who are lost in time and who pause their lives to meet the audience in the present time and say, "This is the torn page of the book I didn't write." 

From texts by João Mário, Mário Costa, Rui Dias Monteiro and Yevgeny Vinokurov Direction, co-creation and dramaturgy: Ana Gil and Óscar Silva Musical direction: Diogo Martins Dramaturgy support: Diogo Barbosa Martins Co-creation and interpretation: Alcindo Rocha, Alice Tavares, Ana Gil, Daniel Lopes, Elisa Marçalo, Horácio Figueiredo, Isabel Carromão, Marco Gonçalves, Mário Costa, Paulo Rainha, Rui Cunha, Teresa Mota, Tiago Fernandes, Vânia Carromão Musicians: Luís (keys), Bruce (guitar), Nuno Brás (bass), Fábio Cárpio (guitar) e Diogo Martins (voice and drums) Photography and video: Tiago Moura Light design and operation: Pedro Fonseca/colectivo ac Communication design: Cátia Santos Executive production: Bruno Esteves and Rita Boavida
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