Vitamin D is a project consisting of multidisciplinary artistic workshops that encourage creative experimentation. Working in close proximity with audiences in various locations, the participating artists develop material in performance, visual arts and interdisciplinary fields.
The project takes as its starting point the concept of “Becoming” (“No man ever steps in the same river twice” – Heraclitus of Ephesus), as stated in relation to the natural world. It uses this principle to examine the ownership of the disciplines in question amid the ever-changing flow of things in space and time.
These premises (becoming nature/man) are put into artistic practice via interdisciplinary workshops in non-conventional spaces, encompassing the performing arts, sculpture and movement, photography, poetry and imagery, and public performance. These workshops incorporate and are absorbed by the bodies of the people who take part in them.
Audiovisual Documentation_ Tiago Moura
Artistic Direction_ Ana Gil, Nuno Leão
Artists_ Ana Gil, Maria Leonardo Cabrita, Nuno Leão, Nuno Lucas e Jin Young Park, Óscar Silva, Rui Dias Monteiro, Rui M. Silva, Tiago Figueiredo, Vera Kalantrupmann
Graphic Design and Communication_ Cátia Santos
Executive Production_ Bruno Esteves
Production_ Terceira Pessoa
Institutional Partner_ República Portuguesa – Ministério da Cultura
Partners_ Fábrica da Criatividade de Castelo Branco / Município de Castelo Branco, GO – Romaria Cultura de Gouveia, Município de Vila Velha de Ródão, União de Freguesias do Freixial e Juncal do Campo, Ajidanha – Associação de Juventude de Idanha-a-Nova