Tiago Moura (1985) is dedicated to cinema and visual arts, with a particular focus on video and photography, often within the framework of collective creation. Among his diverse directorial works are the documentaries "A Wall is a Wall is a Wall is a Wall" (2022), "Where the Olive Trees Grow, Men Do Not Die" (2017), and "How to Sow a Hive?" (2017). With the group Terceira Pessoa, he co-created the multidisciplinary installation "A Line is a Dot that Roams" (2019), "From My Village, I Can See How Much of the Earth is Visible in the Universe..." (2022), and "A Wall is a Wall is a Wall is a Wall". He premiered the film "Aro" at the Municipal Archive in collaboration with photographer Valter Vinagre. He is currently documenting the creative process of the radio program "RadioATIVIDADE," conducted within the Guarda Prison facility.

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